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Store Policy


Regulations of the Online Store


Preliminary provisions

1. The Regulations have been prepared on the basis of legal provisions in force in the territory of the Republic of Poland and together with them, regulates the issues regarding the use of the Online Store.

2. The operator of the Online Store is FRENCH PREMIUM TEXTILES, conducting business activity under the company ROAR, with its registered office in France  at 165 AVENUE DE NICE 06800 CAGNES-SUR-MER

Contact details

1. You can contact the store:     

• by email to,

• by chat   

2. Contact details are also available on



1. Seller, Store, Personal Data Administrator - Online Store Operator

2. Customer, Buyer - any natural person with full legal capacity, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality, which the law grants legal capacity.

3. Entrepreneur - a Customer conducting business activity within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of March 6, 2018, Entrepreneurs' Law (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 646),

4. Consumer - a customer who is a natural person making a legal transaction with the entrepreneur not directly related to his business or professional activity.

5. Regulations - these Regulations for the provision of electronic services,

6. Working days - days of the week from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

7. Customer Account - a place available to Store Customers after entering their email address and password, enabling, among others ordering goods, tracking the status of the order, changing and correcting personal data, etc.

8. Cookies - small text files, saved to maintain the client's session (after logging in), thanks to which the client does not have to enter the client's name and password on every page, create viewership statistics, present internet advertisements with content closest to the client's interests and create surveys and protect them against multiple voting by the same people. These files do not collect Customer's personal data, do not change the configuration of his computer, are not used to install or uninstall any computer programs, viruses or Trojans, do not interfere with the integrity of the system or customer data, they are not processed by other websites and can be at any time removed by the customer.


Types, conditions and scope of services provided electronically

1. The Seller sells goods via the Online Store

2. Services provided electronically on the basis of the Regulations consist in enabling the use of the Online Store in order to conclude a sales contract and its implementation as well as the provision of the Newsletter service.

3. The subject of the sale are scarves and shawls, as well as other textiles presented on the Store's website.

4. The Newsletter service consists of sending messages containing information about the current offer, promotions, rebates and discounts. The service is free, voluntary and requires an express consent to send commercial information.

5. The contract for the provision of electronic services is concluded for an indefinite period.

6. After registration, Orders may be placed in the manner specified in "Terms of sale".

7. The customer who has registered may place an Order after logging in to the Customer's Account providing the email address and password.

8. Orders are carried out throughout the world.


Conditions for the provision of electronic services

1. In order to use the services provided under these Regulations, the Customer should have:     

a) Internet browser: Internet Explorer not older than 7.0 or Mozilla FireFox not older than 3.0 or Chrome (all versions) or Opera not older than 2,     

b) Java Script enabled,     

c) cookies enabled,     

d) active email address.

2. The Store's website uses cookies. The customer may agree to enable cookies. Detailed information about the purpose of storing and gaining access to information using Cookies, as well as the possibility for the Customer to specify the conditions for storing or gaining access to information contained in Cookies using software settings installed in the telecommunications terminal device used by the Customer or the configuration of the service, can be found in the privacy policy.

3. The condition for the provision of services specified in the Regulations is confirmation that they have read the provisions of these Regulations.

4. The Customer may not submit illegal content using the Store.


Registration, conditions for concluding and terminating contracts for the provision of electronic services

1. Registration is free and voluntary, and after completing an individual Customer Account is created.

2. The customer should complete the registration form to register.

3. To register it is necessary to provide: an active e-mail address and set a password.

4. During registration it is also possible to provide data for shipment. If the form is completed by the Consumer, these are the name and surname, address (street, building number, apartment number, zip code, city, province, country), e-mail address and telephone number.

5. If the registration form is completed by the Entrepreneur, the company, NIP number, registered office address (street, building number, apartment number, zip code, city, voivodship, country), e-mail address, telephone number should be provided for shipping the purchased goods.

6. After placing the order, the Customer will receive an attachment to these Regulations to the e-mail address provided.

7. The Seller may refuse to register the Customer if the cases referred to in paragraph 11.

8. The Customer may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services at any time.

9. The Seller may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services if the Customer did not show any activity in the Store, in particular he did not place an order or did not log in to the Account and within 1 year from the date of the last activity.

0. Termination of the contract by either party, as well as its termination by mutual consent is tantamount to blocking the Customer's access to the Customer Account and deleting it.

11. The Seller may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services if:     

a) the purpose of registration or the way of using the services is obviously contrary to the principles and purpose of the Store,     

b) the Customer's activity is contrary to applicable moral standards, calls for violence or crime, and also if it violates the rights of third parties,     

c) has received official notification of the unlawful nature of the data provided or related activities,     

d) obtained reliable information about the unlawful nature of the data provided or related activities, and previously notified the Customer of its intention to prevent access to the Customer Account,     

e) the Customer may send unsolicited commercial information,     

f) the Customer in gross or persistent manner violates the provisions of the Regulations,     

g) the address details provided by the Customer give rise to objectively justified doubts as to their correctness or truthfulness and these doubts could not be removed by telephone contact or via e-mail.

12. By objectively justified doubts referred to in para. 11 point g. Should be understood, in particular, providing a non-existent city, providing the name of a non-existent street in a given city, providing fictitious data as the name of the recipient.

13. A declaration of termination of the contract for the provision of electronic services submitted by the Seller will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the Customer Account. Termination of the contract for the provision of electronic services results in the permanent deletion of the Customer Account.

14. A declaration of termination of the contract for the provision of electronic services by the Customer may be submitted by sending its content to the e-mail address provided for contact or by deleting the Customer Account.

15. If the termination was on the part of the Seller, re-registration is possible after obtaining his consent.

16. Termination or termination with the agreement of the parties to the contract for the provision of electronic services shall not affect the performance of already concluded sales contracts, unless the parties agree otherwise.

17. The date of termination of the contract by the Seller in the cases referred to in paragraph 9 and 11 is 14 days.


Personal data protection

1. The administrator of personal data is FRENCH PREMIUM TEXTILES, conducting business activity under the company ROAR, with its registered office in France at 165 AVENUE DE NICE 06800 CAGNES-SUR-MER

2. The data will be processed in order to conclude and perform the contract for the sale of goods as well as to implement after-sales obligations. The basis for data processing is the necessity of data for the performance of the contract for the client.

3. The data may be made available: Colissimo ou Chronopost., and the Administrator's accounting services for the proper performance of the contract and further services related to the performance of the contract.

4. The data will be stored for up to a maximum of 5 years - the implementation of after-sales services and tax requirements.

5. The customer has the right to access his personal data, rectify it, delete it, request restriction of processing.

6. The customer has the right to object to further processing, and in the event of consent to the processing of data for its withdrawal. The exercise of the right to withdraw consent does not affect the processing that took place until the consent was withdrawn.

7. The customer also has the right to transfer data (in particular transaction history).

8. The customer has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body - the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

9. Providing personal data is a statutory requirement (invoicing) or a condition for concluding a contract. In the absence of providing data, it will not be possible to conclude and perform the contract as well as the implementation of fiscal obligations.


Privacy policy

Respecting your right to privacy, as the owner of the website and the Data Administrator within the meaning of the Regulation (GDPR) - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to with the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC. I hereby present our privacy policy.


Identity and contact details

Administrator's address details: FRENCH PREMIUM TEXTILES

email address:


Purpose of processing and law basis

The data will be processed in order to conclude and perform a contract for the provision of electronic services and a sales contract, issue VAT invoices as well as send a newsletter based on the consent or conclusion and performance of a sales contract and a contract for maintaining a customer account in our store at your request.


Data we process 

Providing any personal data is completely voluntary. We provide services specified in the Regulations. For the correct conclusion and performance of the sales contract and the provision of other services, including the newsletter, it is necessary to provide the following personal data: - name - name, - address, - Phone number, - e-mail adress. Regardless of the scope of information you provide during visits to our website, the server or programs for analyzing behavior automatically collect data on these visits. These data include, in particular, the IP number and operating system of the device you use, the browser name, information about the start, end and extent of each use of our websites and services, as well as other data transmitted via the http: // protocol.


Recipients of personal data

We do not disclose your data in any other way than it results from the purpose of the website's operation and the scope of consent and declarations granted, to any other third parties without a legal basis ordering me to do so and we ensure that we make every effort to ensure that this information is properly guarded, in particular in the manner provided for by the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council and the Act on the provision of electronic services. In order to perform the contracts, personal data is transferred, in particular, to the courier company Colissimo ou Chronopost.


Data storage period

We store data for a maximum of 5 years.


Your rights

You have the right to request from the Administrator access to personal data concerning the data subject, rectification, deletion or limitation of processing or about the right to object to the processing, as well as the right to transfer data.


Right to lodge a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.


Security of personal data

In order to minimize the risks associated with unauthorized access to personal data sets, we strive to ensure the appropriate level of privacy protection and security of your data. The tools we use have been selected to provide adequate protection for the processing of personal data in accordance with the requirements of the law.


Information about cookies

Cookies are small text files (txt.) Sent by a web server and saved on the side of the recipient, usually on the hard disk of the device you use, e.g. computer, smartphone, tablet, etc. Cookie parameters allow you to read the information contained therein only to the server who created them. Cookies are most often used for counters, probes, online stores, websites requiring login, advertising and to monitor visitor activity.


Cookies features

As part of our website, we use two basic types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary files that are stored on the end device that you use until you log out, leave the website or turn off the software (web browser). Persistent cookies are stored on the recipient's terminal device for the time specified in the cookie file parameters or until they are deleted.


How do I use the information contained in cookies?

Usually, the data contained in "cookies" are used to automatically recognize a specific recipient by the server, so that he can generate a page intended for him. This allows, for example, customizing websites, logging in, statistics, etc. What does it look like in practice? Well, thanks to the saved cookies, the server can check whether a given vote has been cast in the poll. In addition, it adjusts, for example, an advertisement on a website so that it does not appear repeatedly for the same recipient. We use cookies to adapt the content of websites to the recipient's preferences and to optimize the use of website pages. In addition, we use them to create anonymous, aggregate statistics that help understand how the recipient uses the websites, which allows improving their structure and content, excluding the personal identification of the recipient. The customer may, however, set his browser in such a way that cookies do not save to his disk, or automatically delete at a specified time. Therefore, these settings can be changed in such a way as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the web browser settings or to inform about them each time they are sent to the recipient's device. Unfortunately, this can lead to display problems for the store website as a consequence.

payment methods

Final provisions

1. In matters not covered by these Regulations, the relevant provisions of France law shall apply.

2. Customers can access the Regulations at any time via the link found in the footer on the Store's home page, and download it and print it.

3. In the event of a dispute arising in connection with the performance of a contract concluded on the basis of the Regulations, the parties may attempt to resolve it amicably in good faith.

4. If it is impossible to reach an agreement in the manner indicated in para. 2. the court with jurisdiction for resolving the dispute will be the court with jurisdiction over the Seller's registered office, but this shall not apply to disputes to which the Consumer is a party.

5. The Seller shall notify registered Customers of any amendment to the Regulations by e-mail with the right to terminate the contract within 14 days. Amendments to the Regulations come into force on the expiry of the notice period. For orders placed before the entry into force of amendments to the Regulations, the provisions of the Regulations in force at the time of ordering shall apply.

6. The Regulations have been in force since September 17, 2019


- Bank transfer


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